Thursday, July 16, 2015

Bishop Plans to Approve New Housing Development Does Not Include Affordable Housing & Faces Opposition


In an earlier post that is still visible below, The Eastern Sierra Advocate had discussed the exclusion of young people in addressing Bishop's housing needs as well as the lack of affordable housing for them. Since then, it has come to our attention that the Economic Development section of the City of Bishop General Plan does include a housing element that investigates ways to address those needs, the housing needs of younger families and workers, particularly as it concerns low income and workforce housing, and ways to address affordable homes for first time buyers. See here: City of Bishop General Plan: Chapter Two: Economic Development

Now, according to a recent Sierra Wave article, Bishop is attempting to develop new housing by conducting a series of public hearings on an Initial Study and  Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration on the Kingston Subdivision tentative tract map.  The development would consist of 15 houses on 2.75 acres and be characterized as “medium density” on the former site of the Bishop Nursery near the corners of Rome Drive and Home Street. However, these are proposed as "single-family dwellings" and the plan so far does not include an affordable housing element or discussion. Of course, this is just the first phase of the development, an initial environmental impact study, so hopefully affordable housing will be addressed in future reports, plans, and within the discussions at public hearings. 

In its first such hearing, many objections from area residents were heard,  including traffic issues on Home Street, noise, variances on road requirements, the density of the housing, and loss of quality of life for existing neighbors. The South Fork Bishop Creek also passes by the area on its south and locals are concerned about the impact the development would have on the creek and its riparian habitat. 

We here at The Eastern Sierra Advocate are sad that the Bishop Nursery could soon be gone, but also know there is a lack of housing in the City of Bishop, as in the Eastern Sierra in general. We advocate developments that protects the environment and current wild habitat, that does not negatively impact the view shed, and that satisfies the concerns of current local residents. But we also hope that it will include, in the very least, a discussion on affordable and workforce housing. We encourage any reader of this post that lives in Bishop, California to take an active part in the hearings or send in your comments by mail or e-mail to the Bishop City Council, and within them, please address the issue of affordable housing. Feel free to leave your thoughts here and on our Facebook page as well. Thank you.

By Deb Murphy
Lack of housing in Bishop was cited as a challenge in the City’s Economic Development Plan, but 15 houses on the 2.75 acre parcel of what has been the Bishop Nursery may not be what potential neighbors think is a solution.
The Bishop City Council held its first Public Hearing on a Negative Declaration (no negative environmental impact) for the Kingston Subdivision tentative tract map and heard eight residents of Rome Drive and Home Street outline a list of negative impacts. Both City Planning Director Gary Schley and Chief Administrative Officer Jim Tatum told the speakers the public comment would be extended 30 days, to Aug. 15 and that Monday night’s hearing was just the beginning of the process. “This is not an attempt to circumvent public input,” Tatum said. More here...
 The Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration is available on the City Planning Department’s webpage (

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Main Street, Bishop, CA

Main Street, Bishop, CA
Looking south down Main Street in Bishop, CA on Christmas Eve.